Building Debian packages

Xenomai packages in Debian

First, please note that Xenomai is officially included in Debian. This means that the latest version of Xenomai will be directly incorporated into Debian “unstable” which from time to time migrates to the latest “stable” version of Debian. The latter will be stabilized and maintained for a whole Debian stable version lifetime without following the latest versions of “upstream” Xenomai. Please check the official Debian package page for Xenomai and the Debian development page for Xenomai .

Debian’s “unstable” version of Xenomai is also tracked with the files in the debian/ directory in the Xenomai source code repository which means that you can also build a Xenomai package from the trunk. If you want to track the latest Xenomai repository developments that aren’t yet in Debian, you should follow the instructions on this page to build Xenomai Debian packages.

Building Xenomai packages

This howto was written for Xenomai 2.6.3, please use the latest stable Xenomai release and adapt the version numbers accordingly.


Install the following packages:

# apt-get install devscripts debhelper dh-kpatches findutils

from a Git repository

To build from a git Repository install these additional packages and clone the Git repository:

# apt-get install git-core git-buildpackage
$ git clone git://

Change to the Xenomai Git working tree and update the repository:

$ cd xenomai-2.6 && git fetch origin

Create and checkout a new branch based on a git treeish object. In this example, we create a branch v2.6.3-deb based on git tag v2.6.3:

xenomai-2.6$ git checkout -b v2.6.3-deb v2.6.3

Create a new debian changelog entry:

xenomai-2.6$ DEBEMAIL="your@email" DEBFULLNAME="Your Name" \
             debchange -v 2.6.3 Release 2.6.3

Commit the changelog to the v2.6.3-deb branch:

xenomai-2.6$ git commit -a --author="Your Name" -m 2.6.3

Build the packages in the parent directory:

xenomai-2.6$ git-buildpackage \
 --git-debian-branch=v2.6.3-deb \
 --git-export-dir=.. \
 -uc -us

Thats all folks. Switch back to the master branch and delete the branch v2.6.3-deb:

xenomai-2.6$ git checkout master && git branch -D v2.6.3-deb

from a tar.bz2 archive

Download and extract a Xenomai tar.bz2 release archive:

$ wget -O - | tar -jxf -

Change to the extracted Xenomai tree:

$ cd xenomai-2.6.3

Create a new debian changelog entry:

xenomai-2.6.3$ DEBEMAIL="your@email" DEBFULLNAME="Your Name" \
               debchange -v 2.6.3 Release 2.6.3

Build the packages in the parent directory:

xenomai-2.6.3$ debuild -uc -us


The build results in the following packages:

  • xenomai-runtime - Xenomai runtime utilities

  • libxenomai1 - Shared libraries for Xenomai

  • libxenomai-dev - Headers and static libraries for Xenomai

  • xenomai-kernel-source - Sources of the Xenomai 2.x kernel

  • xenomai-doc - Xenomai documentation

For development, xenomai-kernel-source and libxenomai-dev are needed, for “production” systems, you should just need xenomai-runtime und libxenomai1 (together with the self built kernel as described in the next section). The package xenomai-doc is optional, of course, but contains important documentation for developers using or developing Xenomai.


Change to the build directory and use dpkg to install the packages:

# dpkg -i *.deb

Building a Xenomai patched Linux kernel package

Starting with Xenomai 2.6.3, the method for building a Xenomai patched kernel has changed. The previous method (generating patches containing both the I-pipe patches and the Xenomai kernel-space support), imposed to maintain a script, which was almost but not really a copy of the script, and so lead to duplicated maintenance efforts. It was not really worth the trouble, the patches needed to be applied by hand anyway since kernel-package had dropped support for automatically applying patches.

The new method is to generate a xenomai-kernel-source package, containing everything necessary to add Xenomai kernel-space support to a Linux kernel. The method for installing this support is essentially the same as the one for installing Xenomai from sources, the only added value of the xenomai-kernel-source packages is that the sources can be removed from your disk with apt-get remove.

We use Xenomai 2.6.3 and Linux 3.10.32 on x86 in the following example, please adapt it to the versions and architectures you want to install.


If you have not followed the dpkg -i *.deb step in the “installation” section. Install the xenomai-kernel-source package now:

# dpkg -i xenomai-kernel-source*.deb

Install the following packages:

# apt-get install kernel-package libncurses-dev fakeroot zlib1g-dev

You should look for patches in this download area .

$ wget

Download the corresponding kernel source archive, extract it and change to the source tree:

$ wget
$ tar -xf linux-3.10.32.tar.xz && cd linux-3.10.32

patch and configure the kernel

Add Xenomai support to the Linux kernel (see the installation instructions for more details on this step).

linux-3.10.32$ /usr/src/xenomai-kernel-source/scripts/ \
 --arch=x86 --linux=. --adeos=../ipipe-core-3.10.32-x86-2.patch

Optional: To recycle a old config, copy it to the current directory and call make oldconfig:

linux-3.10.32$ cp /your/old/linux/config .config
linux-3.10.32$ make oldconfig

Configure the kernel: Despite using Debian packages, you still have to configure the kernel. This may not be so easy especially on x86, please see the x86 kernel configuration checklist for more details.

linux-3.10.32$ make menuconfig

build the kernel

Build the kernel using make-kpkg: ( CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=x is optional, but saves time on multicore machines )

linux-3.10.32$ CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=8 CLEAN_SOURCE=no fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd \
         --append-to-version -xenomai-2.6.3 --revision 1.0 kernel_image kernel_headers


The build results in the following packages:

  • linux-image-3.10.32-xenomai-2.6.3

  • linux-headers-3.10.32-xenomai-2.6.3


Install the kernel with dpkg, the bootmanager is updated automatically:

# dpkg -i linux-image*.deb

Ubuntu 10.04: After installing the kernel with dpkg you have to build the initrd and update the bootmanager manually:

# update-initramfs -c -k 3.10.32-xenomai-2.6.3 && update-grub

Reboot the machine and select the kernel in your bootmanager.